
Analysis Reports on Strategic Intelligence

(1) Research Frontiers

The goal of the service is to analyze and publish the research frontiers and hot topics of various disciplines in Chinese universities. Based on various data sources, including paper published recently, the numbers of papers downloaded and cited, users’ retrieval data, users’ focus data etc. The reports provide references for the development of various disciplines.

Reports on Research Frontiers of Peking University (2018)

Data Source:  WOS, CNKI,  Scopus,  Elsevier Science(ScienceDirect),  Summon, Fund data

Tools: EXCEL、SPSS、Tableau、CiteSpace

Analysis method: Keywords Frequency Analysis、Keywords Concurrence Analysis、Content analysis

Some completed reports are as follows:

Library, Information and Archives Management | Psychology | Chemistry | Environmental Science and Engineering | Material Science and Engineering | Atmospheric Science | Physics | Computer Science and Technology | Biology | Geography | Geological Science | Geophysics

(2)Evaluation Report on the Achievements of Published Papers of 194 Science and Engineering Universities in China

The report analyzed the number of papers published and citation impact, annual publishing trend, performance of High Impact Papers, international cooperation, funds and other aspects of 194 domestic science and engineering universities, explored their overall situation and international competitiveness.

(3)Analysis Report on International Publishing and Academic Competitiveness of Humanities and Social Sciences in Chinese Universities

Focusing on the field of humanities and social sciences in Chinese universities, this report analyzed the data of international papers on humanities and social sciences published by Chinese universities and foreign benchmarking institutions, explored the overall situation of papers on humanities and social sciences published by Chinese universities and their international competitiveness, and clarified the development status, development trend and future strategy of humanities and social sciences in Chinese universities.

(4) Analysis on Scientific Research Achievements and Academic Evaluation of Institutions related to QS and THE University rankings