
The Peking University Library warmly welcomes donations of funds or all types of literary materials from individuals, organizations, alumni, students and faculty.

Contact Information for Cash Donations

Office Location: Donation and Partnerships Office (D510, PKU Library East Building)

Contact No.: (8610) 62744071

E-mail: lib.pku.edu.cn" rel="nofollow">jifanlib.pku.edu.cn

  • For donations of less than 50,000 RMB, please transfer the money according to standard procedure and fill in your personal information. For donations of more than 50,000 RMB, a donation agreement must be signed. Please fill in your personal information and wait for our staff to contact you.

  • For all donations to Peking University Library, regardless of the amount, Peking University Education Foundation will issue official receipts, and is eligible for tax benefits in accordance with the law.

  • Should you have any questions about the donation, please feel free to contact us.

Contact Information for Document Donations

Office Location: Book Donation Office (D111, PKU Library East Section)

Contact No.: (8610) 62751053

E-mail: lib.pku.edu.cn" rel="nofollow">donationlib.pku.edu.cn

Delivery Address: No. 5, Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100871 (Peking University Library Book Donation Office)

Once donated documents are archived, they will be announced on the PKU Library donation portal.

Unless otherwise agreed, once the donated documents have been accepted by the library or once a donation agreement has been signed, the ownership of donated documents will be completely transferred to the library.

Adhering to the principle of optimizing utilization of resources and integrating collection and research, the library will provide storage and maintenance services for donated documents as appropriate.

The library will dispose of donated items that do not meet collection criteria in a suitable manner.

Please be sure to contact us before donating to ensure that donated items meet the collection criteria.

Ways to Donate:

1. In-person donation: Donors can deliver the books to PKU Library for donation in-person.

2. Postal donation: Donors can send the books to PKU Library via post (unless agreed upon beforehand, we do not accept cash on delivery packages). It is recommended to opt for SF Express or China Post.