Peking University Library 1987 Alumni Donation Project
Background: The year 2021 marked the 30th anniversary of the PKU Class of 1987’s graduation. To give back to their alma mater, the PKU Alumni Association and the Class of 1987 initiated a donation campaign. On September 9, 2021, the PKU Library 1987 Alumni Donation Project was officially established during a meeting held by the Fund Management Committee. The project aims to support the PKU Library’s work related to resources and services, including: (1) the collection, sorting and digitization of ancient scripts, special collections and other valuable documents; (2) the purchase of materials and equipment for document preservation and restoration; (3) the library’s cultural construction, exhibition and display of library documents; (4) academic conferences related to library resources and services.

Background: The year 2021 marked the 30th anniversary of the PKU Class of 1987’s graduation. To give back to their alma mater, the PKU Alumni Association and the Class of 1987 initiated a donation campaign. On September 9, 2021, the PKU Library 1987 Alumni Donation Project was officially established during a meeting held by the Fund Management Committee. The project aims to support the PKU Library’s work related to resources and services, including: (1) the collection, sorting and digitization of ancient scripts, special collections and other valuable documents; (2) the purchase of materials and equipment for document preservation and restoration; (3) the library’s cultural construction, exhibition and display of library documents; (4) academic conferences related to library resources and services.

Significance: A total of 608 people who graduated from all faculties and departments participated in the 1987 Alumni Donation Project, which amounted to approximately one-third of the Class of 1987. Although the funds collected are relatively less copious compared to previous donations by a few elite alumni, this donation project is especially significant as it raised the alumni donation rate and laid the groundwork for ordinary alumni donations. The donation project hoped to inspire more PKU alumni to give back to their alma mater.

Purpose: (1) Collection, sorting and digitization of ancient scripts, special collections and other valuable documents; (2) Purchase of materials and equipment for document preservation and restoration; (3) Cultural construction, exhibition and display of library documents; (4) Academic conferences related to library resources and services.

Expected Outcomes: The funds collected will be mainly used for the construction of a new arrivals hall, as well as for purchasing rare resources, improving the library’s services, enhancing user experience, so as to provide satisfactory services for more students, faculty staff, and alumni. The PKU Library will submit an annual report to the Fund Management Committee on the utilization of funds and progress of library construction.

How to Donate:

The PKU Education Foundation offers various methods for donation, please visit the following website for more information:

Make a Donation